Hourly Dependence

(“Rabboni” by Gutzon Borglum (1909)*)

Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.

About 130 years ago, Annie Hawks wrote, “I need Thee every hour, most gracious Lord, no tender voice like Thine can peace afford.” We might suppose that she wrote this when facing difficulty or when unable to handle her own affairs. Then again, she might have lived such a comfortable life that she never learned to face uncertainty that confront many: finances, illness, difficult decisions, challenging relationships or alarming situations.

I assume that Annie Hawks lived as many of us do, encountering the normal concerns of her day, along with the unexpected, the difficult and disappointing, but proclaimed that she need not walk her road alone. What might have caused anxiety, fear and stress for others did not disturb her peace. Peace came not from refusing to face everyday realities, but because she knew that Jesus died to give us peace; not only in heaven, but also for the present. Annie took his word for it.

Let us bring all the concerns of our lives to Jesus and trust him, trust his guidance, and receive his peace. Remember, if we lack wisdom, we must ask God “who gives generously to all” (James 1:5). We need to daily recognize him as a light to our paths and place our goals, aspirations and needs in his hands, tuning our hearts to recognize the voice of his Holy Spirit.


1. What concerns do I need to surrender to Jesus’ loving hands?
2. To focus my eyes outward and off my own anxieties, whom can I encourage as Jesus would today?

Eunice Smith has served the C&MA for more than sixty years and has served in the Canadian Midwest District, the Caribbean Sun Region and the Canadian Pacific District. Eunice was ordained in Richmond Alliance Church, in Richmond, B.C., the church that she currently serves and calls home

*Control IAS 76005124″ by Wikipedia Saves Public Art – originally posted to Flickr as Rabboni by Gutzon Borglum (1909) [Control #IAS 76005124]. Licensed under CC BY 2.0 via Wikimedia Commons

4 comments on “Hourly Dependence

  1. Sometimes it is easier to place things in God’s hands when we are in an acute situation. There is nothing we can do, so we give to God. When we need to make smaller decisions, or encounter blips along the way, we just deal with it, and leave God out of it. I have to remind myself that these blips are just as important as the big things that we have no control over. I should give it ALL to God – He is the one in charge, after all.

  2. Thank you so much for sharing this divine thoughts.It is really wonderful to read such a meditation. May God bless your ministry as you are nourishing soul and I pray that would happen to others too.

  3. Pingback: 40 Day Devotional 2017- Day 10 | 40 Days of Faith and Hope in Action

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